Html Project On Travel And Tourism
Accessible tourism enables all people to participate in and enjoy tourism experiences. More people have access needs, whether or not related to a physical condition. For example, older and less mobile people have access needs, which can become a huge obstacle when traveling or touring. Thus, accessible tourism is the ongoing endeavour to ensure tourist destinations, products and services are accessible to all people, regardless of their physical limitations, disabilities or age. This inludes publicly and privately owned tourist locations, facilities and services.
Html Project On Travel And Tourism
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Accessible tourism involves a collaborative process among all stakeholders, Governments, international agencies, tour-operators and end-users, including persons with disabilities and their organizations (DPOs). A successful tourism product requires effective partnerships and cooperation across many sectors at the national, regional and international levels. From idea to implementation, a single destination visit normally involves many factors, including accessing information, long-distance travel of various sorts, local transportation, accommodation, shopping, and dining. The impact of accessible tourism thus goes beyond the tourist beneficiaries to the wider society, engraining accessibility into the social and economic values of society.International action and normative frameworks
In addition to providing statistics, the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) creates a positive climate for growth in travel and tourism by reducing institutional barriers to tourism, administers joint marketing efforts, provides official travel and tourism statistics, and coordinates efforts across federal agencies through the Tourism Policy Council. The Office works to enhance the international competitiveness of the U.S. travel and tourism industry and increase its exports, thereby creating U.S. employment and economic growth.
The Department of Commerce, on behalf of the federal interagency Tourism Policy Council, is launching the new National Travel and Tourism Strategy (Strategy) to recover and rebuild a U.S. travel and tourism industry that is more inclusive, equitable, sustainable, and resilient, positioning the sector to drive economic development and export revenue. The Strategy seeks to utilize the full efforts of the federal government to promote the United States as a premiere destination that is representative of the breadth and diversity of its communities, and to foster a sector that creates good jobs for more Americans and is a positive force for sustainability.
The United States Travel and Tourism Advisory Board (TTAB) serves as the advisory body to the Secretary of Commerce on matters relating to the travel and tourism industry in the United States. The Board advises the Secretary on government policies and programs that affect the U.S. travel and tourism industry, offers counsel on current and emerging issues, and provides a forum for discussing and proposing solutions to industry-related problems. Visit the TTAB page
NTTO represents U.S. tourism interests in intergovernmental organizations to lead the global efforts for travel and tourism policy concerns and issues, including chairing the Tourism Committee for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
The Scorecard was developed on the basis of the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria. It includes 52 criteria and their corresponding indicators grouped into five sections: effective sustainable management practices; socioeconomic issues; cultural heritage issues; environmental issues; impacts on the tourism destination; and real estate activities associated with the tourism project.
This WikiProject aims to coordinate and help maintain the development of and improvements to the articles related to travel and tourism. Listed below, you will find tasks and other information related to this WikiProject.
The objective of a benefit-cost analysis is to translate the effects of an investment into monetary terms and to account for the fact that benefits generally accrue over a long period of time while capital costs are incurred primarily in the initial years. The primary transportation-related elements that can be monetized are travel time costs, vehicle operating costs, safety costs, ongoing maintenance costs, and remaining capital value (a combination of capital expenditure and salvage value). For some kinds of projects, such as bypasses, travel times and safety may improve, but operating costs may increase due to longer travel distances. A properly conducted benefit-cost analysis would indicate whether travel time and safety savings exceed the costs of design, construction, and the long-term increased operating costs.
Benefits of a transportation investment are the direct, positive effects of that project; that is to say, the desirable things we obtain by directly investing in the project. For example, the improvement may reduce the number or severity of crashes, eliminate long delays during peak hours, or reduce circuitry of travel (provide a shorter route). In highway benefit cost analysis, the usual procedure is that benefits are first estimated in physical terms and then valued in economic terms. This means that the analyst has to first estimate the number of crashes eliminated, the travel time saved, and/or vehicle-miles reduced before assigning or calculating monetary values.
The benefits of a transportation investment are typically estimated by comparing the amount of travel time, vehicle miles traveled and expected number of crashes for the Alternative to the Base Case. The physical projection of the change brought about by each alternative is usually accomplished by engineering analysis.
Many components of a project retain some residual useful life beyond the benefit-cost analysis period (typically 20 years). At the end of the analysis period, the infrastructure that has been put in place generally has not been completely worn out, and will continue to provide benefits to drivers and travelers into the future. It is important to reflect this value in the analysis.
Two other factors also help define the appropriate level of detail: available data and analysis budget. Available data varies by project and influences the level of detail appropriate for the benefit-cost analysis. Data sources range from traditional engineering methods to sophisticated regional travel demand models. The availability of this data varies with each project. Benefit-cost analysis planning should establish what data is available, and then verify that the available data suits the analysis purpose and provides the appropriate level of detail for the benefit-cost analysis. The analysis budget influences the appropriate level of detail as well. The level of detail should be consistent throughout the analysis (the same for the Base Case and Alternatives) and commensurate with the available budget.
An appropriate study area should be chosen so that the majority of the effects of the project are included. The study area should be the logical geographical area within which travel will be affected by the investment Alternative(s) to a material degree.
Several tools and methods can generate traffic volumes (AADT), travel-time (VHT), and vehicle-mile (VMT) data for benefit-cost analyses. Tools and methods include regional travel demand models, local operations models, and engineering judgment and other methods. The appropriate tools and methodologies depend on the study area and Base Case defined during analysis planning. Figure 6 shows project traits and typical tools/methods. In cases where the most typically-used tool is not available, a combination of tools can be used. For example, a regional travel demand model may be used for VMT/VHT information, but a local traffic operations model may be used to estimate the number of speed-cycle changes.
The latest forecast projects that domestic leisure travel, which has surpassed pre-pandemic levels, will remain resilient while domestic business travel will continue its slow but steady recovery. International inbound travel will remain sluggish as it continues to face headwinds, with a full recovery not expected prior to 2025.
The spatial and temporal trajectories of Tourist Distractions operate along three vectors, respectively: South Korea's relationships with Japan, China, and North Korea (three countries), etched across colonial and postwar legacies that lead up to East Asia's neoliberal present (three temporal indices). With the spatial dynamic directing the course of intercultural mobility and the historical arch providing causal grounds, the three-pronged dual layers undergird the kinetics of affective engagement, situating human travel as "flows of capital, material goods, and cultural productions that epitomize the Hallyu phenomenon, and vice versa" (p. 6). The sense of fluidity Choe emphasizes with the word flow is of particular import not only because it captures the critical focus of Tourist Distractions but also because it enacts the affective nature of the exchanges, developments, and relations Hallyu cinema facilitates in, first, representations and practices of travel, and second, the mode through which they occur: namely, in a state of distraction. Affect is "synonymous with force or forces of encounter" (p. 2), Gregory J. Seigworth and Melissa Gregg note; force here means movement without the kind of forcefulness we associate with soft power, the manipulative connotation of which belies the modifier soft. Transpiring "within and across the subtlest of shuttling intensities," affect includes and arises from "all the minuscule or molecular events of the unnoticed" (p. 2).1 The "unnoticed" intensities of shuttling forces map onto the sociopolitical landscape of Hallyu tourism and the human bodies they carry across both physical and conceptual borders, riding the nascent wave of newly forged cultural alliances that snuck up on East Asia around the turn of the millennium. Moreover, the optics of Hallyu tourism is one of distraction via attraction, whereby the actuality of the site elides one's sight in its referential gesture to virtual narratives and figures that inhabit the locale in their potentiality rather than immediate presence. Inverting this logic of projective appreciation...