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The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download theKEYS as well as the asc signature file for the relevant distribution.Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, ratherthan from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using
COMMENT RULES: follow these or your comment will be ignored.Read FAQ page, it solves 99% of the problems.
Read the gray box above download links for details on this particular release.
If you already downloaded, make sure you read included release note.txt file which often contains more details and instructions.
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REQUEST a new portable/plugin? NOT HERE. ONLY in Requests page is accepted.
Common issues (better explained in FAQ):Execution problem? Like missing .dll or other errors? Read FAQ.
Extraction problem? Use winrar 5.80+ to extract, not 7z.
Password? NO password needed, use winrar v5.80.
The software calculates and displays VIP (Variable Influence in Projection) scores for NPLS and NPLSDA models. The Multi-way VIP code is written in MATLAB and can be downloaded at: www.models.life.ku.dk/nvip
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Innanzitutto dovete sapere che se non possedete già il software 7-Zip è possibile scaricarlo dal seguente link: -71-7-zip effettuando il download che è completamente gratuito cliccando sulla voce "DOWNLOAD" evidenziata in verde. Fatto ciò, dovrete selezionare la parola "Scaricare 7-Zip" situata affianco alla bandiera italiana. A seguito di questa operazione partirà automaticamente il suddetto download del programma, e che una volta terminato vi basterà cliccare sull'eseguibile evidenziato dal codice alfanumerico "7z920. Exe". Se tuttavia appare una finestra dell'avviso di sicurezza è sufficiente cliccare sulla voce "Esegui" che vi consentirà di inizializzare la procedura di installazione.
So curiously, I had already downloaded and installed the latest version of DHTLib (v0.1.21) versus the older version (v0.1.14) that is provided here. And I kept getting 0.00 values for the temp and humidity readings as Alex reported on April 20, 2016 in a posting above. I scratched my head for a while until I remembered I had the newer version of the library installed. So I removed that, installed the older v0.1.14 version, and bam, lo and behold, I started getting real values back. So this may be the same problem that Alex had, too.
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