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Waylon Foster
Waylon Foster

Download BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64 Bit for Windows and Mac - Free and Safe

Bluestacks 64 Bit Download: How to Play Android Games on PC

Do you love playing Android games but wish you could enjoy them on a bigger screen with better performance and features? If so, you might want to try Bluestacks, a mobile gaming platform that lets you play Android games on your PC or Mac. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bluestacks 64 bit on your PC, and how to play your favorite Android games with ease.

What is Bluestacks and why do you need it?

Bluestacks is a mobile gaming platform for PC and Mac

Bluestacks is a software that allows you to run Android apps and games on your PC or Mac. It creates a virtual Android device on your computer, where you can access the Google Play Store and download any app or game you want. You can also use Bluestacks to play games that are not available on the Play Store, such as APK files or pre-registered games.

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Bluestacks lets you play Android games with better performance and features

One of the main advantages of using Bluestacks is that it enhances your gaming experience by providing faster speed, smoother graphics, and more options. You can play Android games on a larger screen with higher resolution, adjust the settings to suit your preferences, and use keyboard and mouse controls for more accuracy and comfort. You can also use features like multi-instance, eco mode, macro recorder, gamepad support, screen recorder, and more to improve your gameplay.

Bluestacks is safe, free, and easy to use

Another benefit of using Bluestacks is that it is safe, free, and easy to use. Bluestacks does not contain any malware or viruses, and it does not harm your PC or Mac in any way. It also does not require any special hardware or software requirements, as long as your computer meets the minimum specifications. You can download Bluestacks from the official website for free, and install it within minutes. You can also update it regularly to get the latest features and fixes.

How to download and install Bluestacks 64 bit on your PC?

Choose the right version of Bluestacks for your PC

Before you download Bluestacks, you need to choose the right version for your PC. There are two main versions of Bluestacks: Bluestacks 5 and Bluestacks 4. Each version has different options for operating systems and Android versions. Here are the details:

Bluestacks 5 for Windows (Optimized for Windows 11)

Bluestacks 5 is the latest version of Bluestacks, which is optimized for Windows 11. It offers faster performance, lower CPU usage, less RAM consumption, longer battery life, and more stability. It also supports Hyper-V technology, which improves compatibility and security. You can choose from four different Android versions: Nougat 32-bit, Nougat 64-bit, Pie 64-bit, and Android 11 Bluestacks 4 for Windows and Mac

Bluestacks 4 is the previous version of Bluestacks, which is compatible with both Windows and Mac. It offers a variety of Android versions, from KitKat to Oreo, and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. It also has a wide range of features, such as smart controls, shooting mode, farm mode, sync, and more. You can choose the best Android version for your PC based on your system requirements and game compatibility.

Download the Bluestacks installer from the official website

Once you have decided which version of Bluestacks you want to use, you can download the installer from the official website. Here are the steps:

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  • Go to and click on the "Download Bluestacks" button.

  • Select your operating system (Windows or Mac) and your preferred Android version.

  • Wait for the download to complete. The file size may vary depending on your choice, but it is usually around 500 MB.

Run the installer and follow the instructions

After you have downloaded the installer, you can run it and follow the instructions to install Bluestacks on your PC. Here are the steps:

  • Double-click on the installer file and click "Yes" if prompted by User Account Control.

  • Select your installation location and click "Install Now". You can also customize your installation options by clicking on "Customize Installation".

  • Wait for the installation to finish. It may take a few minutes depending on your PC speed and internet connection.

  • Click "Complete" when done. Bluestacks will launch automatically.

Sign in with your Google account or create a new one

To use Bluestacks, you need to sign in with your Google account or create a new one. This will allow you to access the Google Play Store and sync your data across devices. Here are the steps:

  • On the Bluestacks home screen, click on the "Google Sign-In" button.

  • Enter your email address and password, or click on "Create account" if you don't have one.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the sign-in process.

  • You can now use Bluestacks as an Android device.

How to play Android games on Bluestacks 64 bit?

Browse and download games from the Bluestacks app store or Google Play Store

To play Android games on Bluestacks, you need to download them from the Bluestacks app store or the Google Play Store. You can browse and search for games by categories, genres, ratings, popularity, and more. You can also use the search bar to find specific games by name or keywords. Here are the steps:

  • On the Bluestacks home screen, click on the "Game Center" tab or the "Google Play" icon.

  • Browse or search for games that interest you. You can also check out the recommendations, featured games, editor's picks, and top charts.

  • Click on the game that you want to download and install. You can also read the description, reviews, screenshots, and videos of the game.

  • Click on the "Install" button and wait for the download to complete.

  • The game will appear on your Bluestacks home screen or app drawer. You can also create shortcuts for your favorite games by dragging them to your desktop.

Customize your settings and controls for optimal gaming experience

To play Android games on Bluestacks with ease, you can customize your settings and controls according to your preferences. You can adjust the resolution, frame rate, graphics quality, sound volume, keyboard layout, mouse sensitivity, gamepad mapping, and more. You can also use features like multi-instance, eco mode, macro recorder, gamepad support, screen recorder, and more to enhance your gameplay. Here are some tips:

  • To access the settings menu, click on the gear icon on the top right corner of the Bluestacks window.

  • To change the resolution and frame rate, go to "Display" and select your desired options from the drop-down menus.

  • To change the graphics quality, go to "Engine" and select your preferred mode from "Performance", "Balanced", or "High-end". You can also enable or disable advanced graphics mode for better visuals.

  • To change the sound volume, go to "Sound" and adjust the sliders for system sound and microphone.

  • To change the keyboard layout, go to "Controls" and select the game that you want to customize. You can use the default controls or create your own by dragging and dropping the keys on the screen. You can also enable or disable smart controls, shooting mode, MOBA mode, and aim, pan, and shoot.

  • To change the mouse sensitivity, go to "Mouse" and adjust the sliders for cursor speed and scroll speed.

  • To change the gamepad mapping, go to "Gamepad" and select the game that you want to customize. You can use the default mapping or create your own by dragging and dropping the buttons on the screen. You can also enable or disable vibration feedback.

  • To use multi-instance, click on the multi-instance icon on the right sidebar of the Bluestacks window. You can create multiple instances of Bluestacks with different Android versions and settings. You can also sync your actions across instances or play different games simultaneously.

  • To use eco mode, click on the eco mode icon on the right sidebar of the Bluestacks window. This will reduce the CPU and RAM usage of Bluestacks and improve your PC performance. You can also set a custom frame rate for each instance.

  • To use macro recorder, click on the macro recorder icon on the right sidebar of the Bluestacks window. This will allow you to record and replay your actions in any game or app. You can also edit, rename, delete, or assign shortcuts to your macros.

  • To use gamepad support, connect your gamepad to your PC via USB or Bluetooth. Bluestacks will automatically detect your gamepad and show you the mapping on the screen. You can also customize your gamepad settings in the "Gamepad" menu.

  • To use screen recorder, click on the screen recorder icon on the right sidebar of the Bluestacks window. This will allow you to record your gameplay and save it as a video file. You can also change the resolution, frame rate, quality, and audio settings of your recording.

Enjoy playing your favorite Android games on a bigger screen with faster speed and smoother graphics

After you have downloaded and customized your games, you can start playing them on Bluestacks with ease. You can launch your games from the Bluestacks home screen or app drawer, or from your desktop shortcuts. You can also switch between games and instances by using the tabs on the top of the Bluestacks window. You can also access other features like chat, notifications, rewards, help center, settings, and more from the right sidebar of the Bluestacks window.

Playing Android games on Bluestacks is a fun and convenient way to enjoy mobile gaming on your PC or Mac. You can experience better performance, graphics, features, and controls than playing on your phone or tablet. You can also play games that are not available or compatible with your device, or that require high-end specifications. You can also play with your friends online or offline, and share your gameplay with others.


In this article, we have shown you how to download and install Bluestacks 64 bit on your PC, and how to play Android games on it. We have also explained what Bluestacks is and why you need it, how to choose the right version of Bluestacks for your PC, how to customize your settings and controls for optimal gaming experience, and how to use various features to enhance your gameplay. We hope that this article has helped you learn more about Bluestacks and how to use it for playing Android games on PC.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Bluestacks 64 bit download:

  • Is Bluestacks 64 bit safe?

Yes, Bluestacks 64 bit is safe to download and use. It does not contain any malware or viruses, and it does not harm your PC or Mac in any way. It also does not access or modify any of your personal data or files without your permission.

  • Is Bluestacks 64 bit free?

Yes, Bluestacks 64 bit is free to download and use. You do not need to pay any fees or subscriptions to use it. However, some games may require in-app purchases or ads to unlock certain features or content.

  • Is Bluestacks 64 bit compatible with Windows 11?

Yes, Bluestacks 64 bit is compatible with Windows 11. In fact, Bluestacks 5 is optimized for Windows 11, offering faster performance, lower CPU usage, less RAM consumption, longer battery life, and more stability. It also supports Hyper-V technology, which improves compatibility and security. You can choose from four different Android versions: Nougat 32-bit, Nougat 64-bit, Pie 64-bit, and Android 11.

  • Is Bluestacks 64 bit better than Bluestacks 32 bit?

Bluestacks 64 bit is better than Bluestacks 32 bit in terms of performance, compatibility, and features. Bluestacks 64 bit can run more games and apps that require higher specifications or newer Android versions. It can also use more RAM and CPU resources to improve speed and graphics. It can also offer more features and options to customize your gaming experience.

  • What are the minimum system requirements for Bluestacks 64 bit?

The minimum system requirements for Bluestacks 64 bit are as follows:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.12 or higher

  • Processor: Intel or AMD multi-core processor with single thread PassMark score > 1000

  • Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI with PassMark score >= 750

  • Memory: 4 GB RAM

  • Disk space: 5 GB free disk space

  • Internet: Broadband connection

  • How to update Bluestacks 64 bit?

To update Bluestacks 64 bit, you can follow these steps:

  • On the Bluestacks home screen, click on the "Settings" icon on the top right corner of the window.

  • Go to "About" and click on "Check for updates".

  • If there is a new version available, click on "Download update".

  • Wait for the update to download and install.

  • Restart Bluestacks to apply the changes.


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