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Mach3 2010 Screenset: The Best Way to Control Your CNC Projects

# How to Use Mach3 2010 Screenset for CNC Machines: A Complete Guide

If you are looking for a way to control your CNC projects with a simple and user-friendly interface, you might want to try Mach3 2010 Screenset. This is a replacement screenset for the Mach3 machine control software that provides a much cleaner and modern look than other available screensets. In this article, we will show you how to install and use Mach3 2010 Screenset for your CNC machines.

## What is Mach3 2010 Screenset?

Mach3 2010 Screenset is a custom interface for the Mach3 machine control software that was created by Gerry at The CNC Woodworker. It is designed to look and feel as close as possible to a standard Windows program, with a single main screen containing the most commonly used controls, and smaller tabs for specific functions. It also has some features that make CNC programming easier and faster, such as:

- Simple Auto Zero for quick jobs when no tool changes are needed

- Auto Tool Zero for multiple tools - Designed mainly for router use, 2010 incorporates auto tool zero for multiple tools. Zero the initial tool, and subsequent tools are zeroed automatically after being changed. This makes tool changes very quick and easy, approaching the ease of use of an automatic tool changer. No measuring, and no tooltable length entry is required. Just load the tool and go! Toolchanges during program execution now require only a single button press! If you spend a lot of time changing tools, you need this screen!!

- Both metric and imperial units supported

- Huge toolpath display

- Large, easily readable position DRO's (both machine and work coordinates) as well as Distance, IJ, and CV mode, current units and offset on all screens

- Capable of jogging on all screens, with quick changing of both jog speed and step increments to user defined settings, using one set of shortcut keys

- MDI available on all screens

- Flyout Diagnostics screen, with additional space for user LED's

- User definable Park position

- Both 3 axis and 4 axis versions included

- 3 resolutions to fit both standard and widescreen monitors - 1024 x 768, 1680 x 1050, and 1920 x 1080

- XY Probing Wizard - Edge, Corner, and Pocket probing (with Center Finding)

## How to Install Mach3 2010 Screenset?

To install Mach3 2010 Screenset, you need to have a working copy of Mach3 machine control software that can be purchased from Artsoft. You also need to download the Mach3 2010 Screenset from The CNC Woodworker website. The download file is a .zip file that contains the following files:

- 2010.set - The main screenset file for 3 axis machines

- 2010x.set - The screenset file for 3 axis machines with extended diagnostics

- 20104.set - The screenset file for 4 axis machines

- Bitmaps folder - A folder containing all the graphics used by the screenset

To install the screenset, follow these steps:

1. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a temporary location on your computer.

2. Copy the .set file that matches your machine configuration (3 or 4 axis) into the Mach3 installation directory (typically C:\Mach3).

3. Copy the Bitmaps folder into the Mach3\Bitmaps folder.

4. Open Mach3 and click on View - Load Screens.

5. Select the .set file that you copied in step 2 and click Open.

You should now see the Mach3 2010 Screenset loaded on your screen.

## How to Use Mach3 2010 Screenset?

Mach3 2010 Screenset is designed to be easy and intuitive to use. The main screen contains all the essential controls for running your CNC machine, such as:

- Start/Stop/Reset buttons

- Feedrate override slider

- Spindle speed override slider

- Jog controls

- MDI input box

- Toolpath display

- Position DRO's

The main screen also has several tabs that provide access to more functions, such as:

- Offsets - This tab allows you to set and edit your work offsets (G54-G59), tool offsets (G43), fixture offsets (G52), and park position.

- Settings - This tab allows you to configure various settings for your machine, such as motor tuning, inputs/outputs, homing/limits, backlash compensation, etc.

- File Ops - This tab allows you to load and edit G-code files, run wizards, edit macros, etc.

- Probing - This tab allows you to use the XY Probing Wizard to probe edges, corners, or pockets of your workpiece and find their center coordinates.

- Diagnostics - This tab opens a flyout window that shows various indicators of your machine status, such as limit switches, probe input, e-stop button, etc.

To learn more about how to use each function of the screenset, you can refer to the Mach3 2010 Reference Manual that is included in the download file.

## Conclusion

Mach3 2010 Screenset is a great way to enhance your CNC experience with Mach3 machine control software. It provides a clean and user-friendly interface that makes CNC programming easier and faster. It also has some features that are not available in other screensets, such as auto tool zero for multiple tools, XY probing wizard, etc. If you are looking for a new screenset for your CNC machine, you should give Mach3 2010 Screenset a try.

Mach3 2010 Screenset

## How to Use Simple Auto Zero for Quick Jobs?

If you are working on a simple job that does not require tool changes, you can use the Simple Auto Zero function to quickly set your Z axis zero point. This function requires a movable plate attached to the probe input of Mach3. To use this function, follow these steps:

1. Place the movable plate on top of your workpiece where you want to set your Z zero point.

2. Click on the Simple Auto Zero button on the main screen.

3. The machine will move the Z axis down until it touches the plate, then back up a small amount.

4. The machine will set the Z axis zero point based on the thickness of the plate and the current offset.

5. Remove the plate and start your job.

## How to Use Auto Tool Zero for Multiple Tools?

If you are working on a job that requires multiple tool changes, you can use the Auto Tool Zero function to automatically set your Z axis zero point for each tool. This function requires a movable plate and a fixed plate attached to the probe input of Mach3. The fixed plate should be in a permanent position on the machine that is easily accessible by all tools. To use this function, follow these steps:

1. Zero the initial tool using the Simple Auto Zero function as described above.

2. When you need to change tools, click on the Tool Change button on the main screen.

3. The machine will pause the program and move to a safe position.

4. Change the tool manually and click OK on the pop-up window.

5. The machine will move the new tool to touch the fixed plate, then back up a small amount.

6. The machine will set the Z axis zero point based on the difference between the initial tool and the new tool.

7. The machine will resume the program.

## How to Use XY Probing Wizard for Edge, Corner, and Pocket Probing?

If you need to find the center coordinates of an edge, corner, or pocket of your workpiece, you can use the XY Probing Wizard to probe them with your tool. This function requires a tool that can fit inside the feature you want to probe, such as an end mill or a drill bit. To use this function, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Probing tab on the main screen.

2. Select the type of feature you want to probe: Edge, Corner, or Pocket.

3. Enter the diameter of your tool and click OK.

4. Move your tool manually to a position near the feature you want to probe and click OK.

5. The machine will probe the feature in multiple directions and find its center coordinates.

6. The machine will display the center coordinates on the screen and set them as your current work offset (G54).

7. You can also save them as a different work offset (G55-G59) by clicking on one of the buttons below.

## How to Change Jog Speed and Step Increments?

One of the features of Mach3 2010 Screenset is that you can change the jog speed and step increments for your machine using one set of shortcut keys. This allows you to quickly adjust the jog speed and step size according to your needs. To change the jog speed and step increments, follow these steps:

1. Press the Tab key on your keyboard to open the Jog Control window on the right side of the screen.

2. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select the axis you want to jog (X, Y, Z, or A).

3. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard to increase or decrease the jog speed percentage.

4. Use the + and - keys on your keyboard to increase or decrease the jog step size.

5. Press the Tab key again to close the Jog Control window.

You can also use the mouse wheel to change the jog speed and step increments. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Move your mouse cursor over the jog speed or step size display on the main screen.

2. Scroll your mouse wheel up or down to increase or decrease the jog speed or step size.

## How to Use MDI on All Screens?

MDI stands for Manual Data Input, which allows you to enter G-code commands directly into Mach3 and execute them. Mach3 2010 Screenset has an MDI input box on all screens, so you can use MDI without switching screens. To use MDI on any screen, follow these steps:

1. Type your G-code command into the MDI input box at the bottom of the screen.

2. Press Enter on your keyboard or click on the green arrow button next to the MDI input box to execute your command.

You can also use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to recall previous MDI commands that you have entered.

## How to Use Flyout Diagnostics Screen?

The Flyout Diagnostics Screen is a window that shows various indicators of your machine status, such as limit switches, probe input, e-stop button, etc. You can use this screen to troubleshoot any problems with your machine or check if everything is working properly. To use the Flyout Diagnostics Screen, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Diagnostics tab on the main screen.

2. The Flyout Diagnostics Screen will open on the left side of the screen.

3. You can see various LED's that show the state of your inputs and outputs, such as X++, X--, Probe, EStop, etc.

4. You can also see some user LED's that show some custom functions, such as Auto Zero Active, Tool Change Active, etc.

5. To close the Flyout Diagnostics Screen, click on the Diagnostics tab again.

Note: Mach3 limitation causes MDI to be hidden when Diagnostics screen is open, but it is still functional.

## Conclusion

Mach3 2010 Screenset is a great way to enhance your CNC experience with Mach3 machine control software. It provides a clean and user-friendly interface that makes CNC programming easier and faster. It also has some features that are not available in other screensets, such as auto tool zero for multiple tools, XY probing wizard, etc. If you are looking for a new screenset for your CNC machine, you should give Mach3 2010 Screenset a try. You can download it from The CNC Woodworker website and install it following the instructions in this article. You can also refer to the Mach3 2010 Reference Manual for more details on how to use each function of the screenset. We hope you enjoy using Mach3 2010 Screenset and have fun with your CNC projects. b99f773239


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