Skyrim Trap Race Mod ^NEW^
Skyrim Trap Race Mod: The Ultimate Way to Spice Up Your Game
If you are a fan of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you might be looking for some mods to enhance your gaming experience. Mods are modifications that add new features, content or changes to the game. There are thousands of mods available for Skyrim, ranging from graphics improvements, gameplay tweaks, new quests, weapons, armor, characters and more.
Skyrim Trap Race Mod
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One of the most interesting and unique mods for Skyrim is the Skyrim Trap Race Mod. This mod adds a new playable race to the game: the Trap. Traps are humanoid creatures that look like beautiful women, but have a hidden surprise: they have male genitals. Traps can be either male or female in gender identity, and can have various sexual preferences and orientations.
The Skyrim Trap Race Mod allows you to create and customize your own Trap character, and explore the world of Skyrim as a Trap. You can also interact with other Traps and NPCs in various ways, such as flirting, seducing, marrying or enslaving them. You can also use traps as weapons or tools to lure, trap or kill your enemies.
How to Install and Use Skyrim Trap Race Mod
To install and use Skyrim Trap Race Mod, you need to follow these steps:
Download the Skyrim Trap Race Mod from Nexus Mods or Steam Workshop. You will need a free account to download the mod.
Extract the mod files to your Skyrim data folder. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data.
Activate the mod using a mod manager such as Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer. You can also activate the mod manually by editing the Skyrim.ini file in your Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder and adding the line bEnableFileSelection=1 under [Launcher]. Then launch the Skyrim launcher and check the box next to SkyrimTrapRace.esp in the Data Files menu.
Launch Skyrim and start a new game or load an existing save. You will be able to choose the Trap race in the character creation menu. You can customize your Trap's appearance, name, gender identity and sexual orientation.
Enjoy playing Skyrim as a Trap. You can use the MCM menu (Mod Configuration Menu) to access various options and settings for the mod. You can also use console commands to change your Trap's attributes or spawn other Traps.
Features and Functions of Skyrim Trap Race Mod
The Skyrim Trap Race Mod adds many features and functions to the game. Here are some of them:
A new playable race: the Trap. Traps have their own racial abilities, such as increased speed, agility and charisma. They also have their own racial weaknesses, such as reduced health, stamina and magic resistance.
A new body type: the Trap body. The Trap body is based on the UNP body type, but with some modifications. The Trap body has female breasts and male genitals, which can be customized in size and shape. The Trap body also has various skin tones, tattoos, scars and body hair options.
A new clothing system: the Trap clothing system. The Trap clothing system allows Traps to wear any clothing or armor in the game, regardless of gender restrictions. The clothing or armor will automatically adjust to fit the Trap body. The clothing or armor will also have different effects on Traps depending on their gender identity and sexual orientation.
A new dialogue system: the Trap dialogue system. The Trap dialogue system allows Traps to interact with other Traps and NPCs in various ways. Traps can flirt, seduce, marry or enslave other Traps and NPCs. Traps can also use traps as weapons or tools to lure, trap or kill their enemies.
A new quest system: the Trap quest system. The Trap quest system adds new quests and events for Traps to experience. Some of these quests are related to the main storyline of Skyrim, while others are standalone adventures. Some of these quests are exclusive to Traps, while others are available for any race.
A new faction system: the Trap faction system. The Trap faction system adds new factions for Traps to join or oppose. Some of these factions are related to the existing factions of Skyrim, while others are new groups with their own agendas. Some of these factions are friendly to Traps, while others are hostile or neutral.
Benefits and Risks of Skyrim Trap Race Mod
Skyrim Trap Race Mod is a fun and exciting mod that adds a lot of variety and spice to your game. However, it also comes with some benefits and risks that you should be aware of. Here are some of them:
You can create and customize your own Trap character, and explore the world of Skyrim as a Trap.
You can interact with other Traps and NPCs in various ways, such as flirting, seducing, marrying or enslaving them.
You can use traps as weapons or tools to lure, trap or kill your enemies.
You can experience new quests and events for Traps to enjoy.
You can join or oppose new factions for Traps to align with.
You may encounter bugs or glitches that may affect your game performance or stability.
You may experience compatibility issues with other mods that may cause conflicts or errors.
You may offend or upset some players or NPCs who may not like or approve of Traps.
You may face discrimination or hostility from some factions or groups who may hate or fear Traps.
You may get addicted to playing as a Trap and neglect your real life responsibilities.
Therefore, you should use Skyrim Trap Race Mod at your own risk and discretion. You should also backup your game files before installing the mod, and use a mod manager to manage your mods. You should also read the mod description and comments carefully before downloading and using the mod.
Examples of Traps and NPCs in Skyrim Trap Race Mod
If you are curious about what kind of Traps and NPCs you can encounter in Skyrim Trap Race Mod, here are some examples of them:
Aela the Huntress: Aela is a female Nord werewolf and a member of the Companions. She is also a Trap with a male genital. She is loyal, brave and fierce, and has a strong attraction to the Dragonborn.
Serana: Serana is a female Nord vampire and a member of the Volkihar Clan. She is also a Trap with a male genital. She is mysterious, sarcastic and loyal, and has a complicated relationship with her father.
Farkas: Farkas is a male Nord werewolf and a member of the Companions. He is also a Trap with a female genital. He is simple, honest and friendly, and has a crush on the Dragonborn.
Brynjolf: Brynjolf is a male Nord thief and a member of the Thieves Guild. He is also a Trap with a female genital. He is charming, cunning and charismatic, and has a soft spot for the Dragonborn.
Lydia: Lydia is a female Nord housecarl and a follower of the Dragonborn. She is also a Trap with a male genital. She is loyal, dutiful and brave, and has a hidden desire for the Dragonborn.
Ulfric Stormcloak: Ulfric is a male Nord jarl and the leader of the Stormcloaks. He is also a Trap with a female genital. He is proud, ambitious and patriotic, and has a secret crush on the Dragonborn.
These are just some of the Traps and NPCs you can find in Skyrim Trap Race Mod. There are many more to discover and interact with in the game.
Tips and Tricks for Playing as a Trap in Skyrim Trap Race Mod
To help you enjoy playing as a Trap in Skyrim Trap Race Mod, here are some tips and tricks for you:
Use the MCM menu (Mod Configuration Menu) to access various options and settings for the mod. You can change your Trap's attributes, preferences, clothing effects, dialogue options, quest options, faction options and more.
Use console commands to change your Trap's appearance, gender identity or sexual orientation. You can also use console commands to spawn other Traps or NPCs, change their attributes or relationships, or give them items or spells.
Use traps as weapons or tools to lure, trap or kill your enemies. You can craft traps using the Trap Crafting Station in the Riverwood Trader. You can also find traps in various locations in the game. You can place traps on the ground or on walls, and activate them by pressing E. You can also disarm traps by pressing E.
Use your charm and charisma to flirt, seduce, marry or enslave other Traps and NPCs. You can use dialogue options to initiate romance or sex with them. You can also use items such as potions, rings or collars to enhance or control their feelings for you.
Use your speed and agility to evade or outrun your enemies. You can also use stealth and sneak skills to avoid detection or surprise attack them. You can also use magic or shouts to distract or disable them.
Use your creativity and imagination to create your own stories and adventures as a Trap. You can explore the world of Skyrim as a Trap, and experience new quests and events for Traps. You can also join or oppose new factions for Traps, and make allies or enemies with them.
Skyrim Trap Race Mod is a fun and exciting mod that adds a new playable race to the game: the Trap. Traps are humanoid creatures that look like beautiful women, but have a hidden surprise: they have male genitals. Traps can be either male or female in gender identity, and can have various sexual preferences and orientations.
The Skyrim Trap Race Mod allows you to create and customize your own Trap character, and explore the world of Skyrim as a Trap. You can also interact with other Traps and NPCs in various ways, such as flirting, seducing, marrying or enslaving them. You can also use traps as weapons or tools to lure, trap or kill your enemies.
The Skyrim Trap Race Mod adds many features and functions to the game, such as a new body type, a new clothing system, a new dialogue system, a new quest system and a new faction system. It also comes with some benefits and risks that you should be aware of.
If you are looking for a unique and spicy mod for Skyrim, you should definitely try Skyrim Trap Race Mod. It will add a lot of variety and fun to your game. d282676c82